Julia, our senior designer, shares her Top Five Tips:
Tip 1. Choose Your Suppliers Carefully
Getting married is often a long list of firsts, so organising a wedding can be a little overwhelming at times! When planning an important event, it helps to have good people around you, and especially when you’re most in need of support and advice. I’m not just referring to your family and friends – the right suppliers can also be an invaluable source of help. Many of the relationships you develop during your wedding planning are often with you throughout the months or years leading up to your wedding. Take your time to choose your suppliers, don’t settle for less than practically perfect – it’ll be worth it.
Tip 2. It’s Not What You Do – It’s The Way That You Do It
There’s more to your dream stationery than an eye-catching design and a printer. Design and print should be the easiest part for your printer or stationer, it’s what they do every day. In our opinion, the best suppliers not only offer an excellent quality product, they also offer a very personal service – two things our clients often mention about us. If your stationer, or indeed any supplier, is listening to you and really paying attention to what you want – the rest should be easy.
Tip 3. There’s No Excuse For Poor Quality
The truth is, it’s never been easier to print wedding stationery. Technology has revolutionised digital printing, and the choice of paper and card available to the printer has never been greater. Stationery can be printed cheaper and faster than ever before, but that often doesn’t translate into better design and higher quality. We specialise in letterpress printing, a traditional method which creates a unique look and feel to your stationery. Whichever printer or stationer you choose, there’s really no excuse for poor quality printing, materials, or finish.
Tip 4. You Don’t Always Get What You Pay For
Most couples looking back after their wedding have a cautionary tale or two to tell of expensive lessons learnt. Suppliers to the wedding market vary enormously, and though we all know the difference between price and value, the wedding market can be trickier than many when making this comparison. Our 15 years of experience confirms that there are many firms who are genuinely dedicated to providing good value at a good price, fortunately they can usually be identified with a little thoughtful research.
Tip 5. Research & Reviews
Before making an enquiry, be sure to check out a supplier’s website and social media presence, there’s no excuse for a website that looks like it hasn’t been updated for years. Always speak to your supplier by phone, as it’s often revealing of the service you can expect to receive. Can they answer your questions quickly and knowledgeably? How comfortable and confident are you in their capabilities? Will they guide you through the process from start to finish? What direct and online support is available?
Is it easy to find genuine reviews or testimonials from happy clients? Or even better speak to someone who’s used the supplier before – we’re always happy to provide references when asked, and don’t forget to see some examples of their work for comparison. Our clients have direct telephone and email access to their own dedicated designer throughout their order, from beginning to end, as well as online resources and product samples to inform decisions, we view this as a basic necessity.
Good Wedding Planning Is The Antidote To Most Of Your Wedding Anxieties
There’s no guarantee that you’ll be completely happy with your suppliers, however following these five top tips will make it much more likely that you’ll find highly reputable suppliers that deliver an excellent product and, just as importantly, help keep your stress levels to an absolute minimum in the run-up to your Big Day!
Many of these tips don’t just apply to stationers, good wedding planning is the antidote to most of your wedding anxieties. A big part of practically perfect planning is choosing the right suppliers from the outset – those that will guide you through the process and deliver high quality products and services, on-time and on-budget.
To help you plan we’ve created our super chic letterpress Wedding Planner, we think it’s a practically perfect way to help you manage every aspect of your wedding planning.